The Update method performs the every-frame collision checks for all CollisionRelationships contained in the CollisionManager. This includes:
Sorting any partitioned lists
Assigning contained ICollidable LastFrameItemsCollidedAgainst and LastFrameObjectsCollidedAgainst
Resetting contained ICollidable ItemsCollidedAgainst and ObjectsCollidedAgainst
Invoking the BeforeCollision method
Performing collision on all contained CollisionRelationships
Note that most games do not need to call this method manually - it is called automatically by FlatRedBallServices.Update, which is part of all FlatRedBall projects.
The CollisionManager class provides methods for handling collision (the touching of game objects) in FlatRedBall games. The CollisionManager has built-in methods for handling collision between collidable entities (entities which implement the ICollidable interface). Use of the CollisionManager is not necessary, but it can reduce and standardize code for handling collisions. The CollisionManager provides a rich set of functionality for performing collision in code, but usually games do not need to write code against the CollisionManager. Instead, the FlatRedBall Editor provides support for creating CollisionRelationships without any code. For more information, see the FlatRedBall Editor CollisionRelationship page.
The CollisionManager is built around the concept of collision relationships. A collision relationship is created by specifying the two objects (or groups of objects) which are used in the relationship. The following list shows common relationships in games:
Player vs. Enemy Bullet List
Player Bullet List vs. Environment
Race Car List vs. Boost Entity List
Explosion List vs. Destructible Block List
The relationship detects collision and provides automatic and custom handling of the collision. Automatic handling includes separating objects (preventing overlapping) and adjusting the velocity of colliding objects (bouncing the objects). Custom handling is done by assigning a collision event.
The CollisionManager is built to work with collidable entities. To create a collidable entity in Glue:
Open Glue
Right-click on the Entities folder
Click Add Entity
Check one of the objects under the Collisions category, such as Circle
Notice that the ICollidable checkbox is automatically checked
The entity will now implement the ICollidable interface, which means it can be used as an instance or in a list with the CollisionManager.
A relationship may define that two individual entities should perform collision logic against one another. The following assumes that PlayerInstance and EnemyInstance are entities added to the screen in Glue:
Notice that the HandlePlayerVsEnemyCollision is used to perform custom logic whenever a collision occurs.
Entities which are dynamically created or destroyed during the life of a screen (such as bullets fired by a turret) are usually added to lists. The following code can be used to detect collision between a single Player instance and a list of Bullets:
Notice that the CollisionOccurred delegate passes a single bullet even though the type passed to CreateRelationship is a list. This allows the code to handle collision on a case-by-case basis. Similarly, relationships can be created between two lists. The following example shows how to respond to collision between a list of Enemies and a list of Bullets:
Entities can be collied against TileShapeCollections through the CollisionManager. TileShapeCollections are an efficient and convenient way to store a group of rectangles for collision.
See the Move Collision section below for more information.
Collision relationships can specify automatic behavior in addition to assigning the CollisionOccurred delegate. This can be achieved by calling various Set methods. For example, the following results in colliding objects being separated. The SetMoveCollision method takes the relative masses of each object. In this example the colliding player and blocks have equal mass:
The most common ways to call is either with the values of (0,1) and (1,1)
(0,1) - The first object (typically an entity) will have a mass of 0, meaning it will not be able to move the second object.
(1,1) - Both objects have equal masses, and will push each other
Both Move and Bounce collisions can be performed automatically by the relationship by calling either SetMoveCollision or SetBounceCollision. While convenient, these methods require the same mass to be used for all entities in a relationship. In some cases entities may need to have a custom mass per entity. In this example a list of asteroids collides with itself (every asteroid tests for collision against every other asteroid). Each Asteroid has a different Mass value so we can't set one mass for the entire relationship. Instead, the collision is detected and an event is raised, then the bounce collision occurs inside the collision event handler.
Note that the example above shows how to do self-collision, but the same approach of handling the move or bounce collision in an event could be performed between two different separate lists.
The CollisionManager can perform partitioning to improve collision performance. In most cases partitioning can make even large numbers of objects (tens of thousands) have minimal or no impact on your game's frame rate. Partitioning requires two pieces of information:
The axis to partition (X or Y). This should be the axis along which objects are most distributed. For example, a platformer with horizontal levels should partition on the X axis.
The width or height of each object involved in partitioning.
Both objects in a relationship must be partitioned on the same axis before a relationship will be able to use the partitioning to reduce collision calls. Partitioned objects must be sorted for partitioning to function properly. If the order of objects in the list can change, the CollisionManager can automatically sort the lists. If the order does not change once the list has been created, or if the order is explicitly maintained in custom code, then the sortEveryFrame parameter can be false. The following creates a partitioned collision relationship between a list of Enemies and a list of Bullets.
Partitioning must set on both objects in a relationship even if one of the objects is a single instance - in that case the Partition call is needed to get the width or height of the object's collision.
The Partition method only needs to be called once, even if an object is used in multiple relationships.
In general reducing collision count improves the performance of your game. To measure whether your efforts to reduce collision are working (such as by implementing partitioning), the CollisionManager returns the number of deep collisions performed every frame. The term deep collision refers to collision methods which rely on the actual shapes of a collidable object, as opposed to partitioned checks which can eliminate large numbers of objects very quickly. The following code shows how to count and display the number of collisions performed every frame:
Entities may include multiple collision objects used for different responses. For example, a SpaceShip entity may have a small collision shape for its body (for taking damage) and a larger collision shape for a radar ( to detect enemies and display them on a radar HUD). Collision relationships will use the entire entity by default, but can be configured to only use a single shape by calling SetFirstSubCollision or SetSecondSubCollision for the first or second object in the relationship, respectively. The following code shows how to handle SpaceShip body vs. a list of Bullets:
SetFirstSubCollision refers to the first argument in the CreateRelationship call, which is SpaceShipInstance in the example above. SetSecondSubCollision refers to the second argument in the CreateRelationship call, which is BulletList in the example above. Note that if the argument to CreateRelationship is a list, then the SetFirstSubCollision and SetSecondSubCollision will work with a single instance rather than a list. For example, the code above could call SetSecondSubCollision for the BulletList , but the argument would take a single bullet as shown in the following snippet:
When using a sub collision, the partition values may be different to account for the different collision object size. For example, the body of a space ship may be much smaller than the radar. Relationships can override the width or height values used for partitioning. The following code shows how to provide different collision width values (for X axis partitioning) for radar and body collision relationships:
At times collision physics needs to be applied optionally. For example, a Player may be able to transform into a ghost. Normally the player may perform solid collision (Move or Bounce) against enemies, but while in the ghost phase the player can move through enemies. This can be done by telling the collision relationship to optionally apply collision as shown in the following code:
The default behavior for relationships is to perform collisions every-frame. The CollisionRelationship class provides additional control for when collisions are called. The DoCollisions method can be called in custom code to perform collisions as desired. This can be useful if collisions need to happen after certain logic has executed in a frame, or only in certain situations. The following code shows how to create a CollisionRelationship which is only collided when the user holds the Space key:
The Relationships list contains all of the relationships being managed by the CollisionManager. In most cases, FlatRedBall games (using Glue) will not modify this list, but it is exposed publicly for:
Plugins to add new types of relationships
Manual removal of collision relationships
The Relationships property is a standard List so it can be modified just like any other list. Collisions can be cleared by calling the Clear function:
Note that Glue will automatically clear relationships when a screen is destroyed, so this does not need to be called in most games.