The ContentManagerName property returns the Screen's ContentManagerName. For more information on ContentManagers, see the ContentManager page.
ContentManagerName can be used when manually loading files. For example, assuming that "Content/MyGraphic.png" is part of your project, you can load it as follows:
The IsActivityFinished property is a property which can be set to true to tell the given Screen that it should no longer be active. Setting IsActivityFinished to true can do a number of things depending on the state of the Screen:
If the Screen is the ScreenManager's CurrentScreen, then this method will result in the ScreenManager moving to the Screen's NextScreen.
If the Screen is a Popup Screen, then the Screen will simply destroy itself and remove itself from its parent's mPopups list.
If the Screen is loading another Screen asynchronously, then setting IsActivityFinished to true will destroy the current Screen and move to the asynchronously-loaded Screen.
The MoveToScreen method can be used to move from the current Screen to another Screen. The MoveToScreen method destroys the current Screen and all of its contained Entities, then begin loading the Screen passed to the MoveToScreen method.
MoveToScreen can be called when moving between different types of screens, such as between a TitleScreen and LevelSelectScreen. MoveToScreen should also be used to transition between levels such as moving between Level1 and Level2.
MoveToScreen accepts either the type (preferred if you know it) or the name of the screen. The screen name may be fully qualified (such as "YourGame.Screens.Level2") or not fully qualified (such as "Level2"). For example, to move to Level 2, the following code would be used:
Alternatively, you could pass in the name of Level2:
You can go to the level if it is not fully qualified. This works too:
The MoveToScreen
function does the following (in order):
Destroys the current Screen
Creates the next screen as specified by the argument to MoveToScreen
can be used to move to the same screen rather than a different screen. This results in the current screen being destroyed then recreated, resulting in the screen being reset to its original state. For example, consider a situation where the player's character is hit by a bullet. In this case the GameScreen will reset itself:
When the MoveToScreen method is called, the current Screen will be destroyed and the Screen that you are moving to will be created. The things that are destroyed are:
Any files loaded through Glue for the current Screen or any Entities added to the Screen through Glue
Any instances of Entities that have been added to Glue
If you have added objects that should be destroyed (such as additional Entities) in your custom code, then you need to make sure to destroy these objects in your CustomInitialize. For more information on whether you need to destroy an Entity or not, and how to destroy Entities which must be destroyed manually, see the Destroying Entities article.
For more information on this error and how to clean it up, see Cleaning Up Screens.
The MoveToScreen method has only one parameter - the Screen to move to. It does not accept additional parameters. For information on how to pass additional information to new Screens, see the the Proper Information Access tutorial.
The Screen class is a container for Entities, content (such as loaded .png files), an FlatRedBall objects (such as ). Games will usually have only one screen active most of the time. [subpages depth="1"]
ScreenManager is a static class responsible for managing the flow of the game between .
The Activity function in the ScreenManager is responsible for:
Calling Activity on the current
Performing async screen loading activity
Transitioning between Screens if the current Screen's is true.
The CustomDestroy (if using Glue) and Destroy (if not using Glue) methods are called when the Screen is going to be removed from your game. This method should never be manually called - the ScreenManager will call this after the Screen's property is set to true. The purpose of the CustomDestroy/Destroy methods is to remove objects which have been manually added to your Screen. In general, any object which has been added to a FlatRedBall manager must be removed. Entities (which automatically add themselves) must be destroyed.
The following example shows how a and can be created and destroyed properly. This uses the Glue custom methods, but the idea is the same. The following are added at your Screen's class scope:
The following would be contained in CustomInitialize:
The following would be contained in CustomDestroy:
Keep in mind that only objects which are instantiated or added in your custom code need to be destroyed in the CustomDestroy method. In other words, if you make an instance of an in a Screen under the Objects item, you do not need to call Destroy on this object. Glue will both instantiate and destroy it automatically.
The CurrentScreen property references the ScreenManager's current Screen. Only one Screen can be active at one time.
This property is set automatically by the ScreenManager when a new Screen is created. This can occur through:
The method
The method
The property
The CurrentScreen property cannot be set directly. For more information on when the CurrentScreen is initially see the method.
Initially CurrentScreen is usually set in generated code by the FlatRedBall Editor according to the startup screen. After initial setting, any of the calls mentioned above can be used to change the CurrentScreen.
CurrentScreen is set internally by the ScreenManager after the Screen has been instantiated but before CustomInitialize has been called. Therefore, the CurrentScreen will always equal "this" in the CustomInitialize call.
The CurrentScreen will remain the same throughout a Screen's life, persisting through the CustomActivity and CustomDestroy calls.
Since the Screen has not yet been initialized, the CurrentScreen will not be set when a Screen's CustomLoadStaticContent method is called.
PauseThisScreen can be used to implement pausing. In many cases, this function will effectively provide pause implementation for games.
The following code shows how to pause and unpause the screen using a gamepad's Start button.
When the game is paused, the Sprite automatically stops rotating and resumes when the game is unpaused.
When a Screen is paused, the underlying engine logic does not stop. Rather, the velocity of all objects is stopped and stored in instructions. When the screen is unpaused, all velocity values are re-applied. This means that if a velocity is changed after a screen is paused, the object which has been given velocity (or acceleration) will continue to operate while everything else remains paused. Furthermore, whenever a Screen is paused, its CustomActivity continues to be called every frame even while paused. Therefore, you can perform additional logic after a pause.
The following code assumes an Entity named Ball. Clicking the cursor creates a new Ball which falls. Pressing the Space toggles pause. Notice that pausing the game will pause all existing entities, but new entities created after a pause will fall normally.
Gum animations internally create Tweeners on the TweenerManager. When the Screen is paused, all Tweeners are paused. If your game includes a Gum object which animates when the game is paused (such as a menu sliding on the screen), you can play the animation after the PauseThisScreen call and the animation will still play normally.
The following code animates a button on-screen after the game is paused.
If you have animations which should persist through pausing, see the ObjectsIgnoringPausing section below.
Calling PauseThisScreen also pauses the TweenerManager, which inturn pauses all Gum animations. Animations can be excluded from this pausing by adding the animation to the InstructionManager.ObjectsIgnoringPausing. Note that the animation must be added, not the Gum or Forms object.
The following code begins a Button's looping animation in CustomInitialize. Its animation is added to InstructionManager.ObjectsIgnoringPausing which results in the button continuing to animate even if the game is paused.
Notice that when the game is paused the player's movement stops but the Button continues to animate.
Objects which do not inherit from the PositionedObject class can be added to the InstructionManager.ObjectsIgnoringPausing so they are ignored during pausing. For a detailed discussion of when to use ObjectsIgnoringPausing, see the page.
The Start method is a method which sets the first Screen in the execution of your game. After Start is called, a typical FlatRedBall game will always have one screen active. In other words, the CurrentScreen property will always be non-null.
The Start method is typically called in Game1.cs. If using Glue, the Start call is automatically added for you in a project, and it is automatically updated whenever the "StartUp Screen" is changed. The Start call usually does not need to be written or modified if using Glue.
A typical Start call looks like: