Most users do not need to follow the steps outlined in this section. New users are encouraged to skip this and head over to the Tutorials section. If you would like to build FlatRedBall to do more advanced debugging, contribute to the project, or out of pure curiosity then feel free to continue through this section.
This section discusses the following:
How to build the FlatRedBall Editor from source (this is also available in binary format on the downloads page)
How to add FlatRedBall source code to your project through the FlatRedBall Editor
How to add FlatRedBall source code to your project manually (if not using the FlatRedBall Editor)
If you are interested in using FlatRedBall in a code-only project, see the Code-Only Projects page.
Currently all development is being done on the NetStandard branch, so if you would like to build the FlatRedBall Editor (also known as FlatRedBall Glue) form source, we recommend pulling the NetStandard branch. The FlatRedBall Game Engine and Tools are all open source:
If you plan on using FlatRedBall FNA, be sure that you include all submodules when pulling FlatRedBall. This may automatically happen if you are using some Git clients (such as GitHub for Desktop), but you may need to perform additional configuration if using a client that doesn't pull submodules by default (such as Rider).
FlatRedBall uses Gum UI including at runtime. This is also open source and can be found on GitHub:
Both repositories should be cloned to the same folder to make linking easier.
FlatRedBall Editor (Glue) links a version of FlatRedBall which builds for multiple platforms including Android and iOS. You must have an installiation that supports these platforms even if you are only building the FlatRedBall Editor.
Be sure to install both workloads:
.NET Multi-platform App UI development
.NET desktop development
The easiest way to download and keep FlatRedBall source up to date is to use a Github client such as Github for Desktop. To download source using Github for Desktop:
Install Github for Desktop
Select File -> Clone Repository
Select the URL tab
Enter the FlatRedBall URL: Keep the default folder as FlatRedBall
Switch to the appropriate branch. The default branch is NetStandard
After FlatRedBall is cloned, you will have a local copy on your machine.
You will also need to download Gum source, as FlatRedBall games which link against source also reference Gum files. To do this (assuming Github for Desktop):
Select File -> Clone Repository
Select the URL tab
Enter the Gum source: . Keeping the default folder is recommended, but if not, be sure to use the same root as the FlatRedBall clone above.
To add the FRB source to your project:
Make sure you have already cloned the FlatRedBall repository. We recommend using Github for Desktop and cloning to the default location so that your game and FlatRedBall are sibling folder sin the same parent folder
Open your project in the FlatRedBall Editor
Select the Project -> Link Game to FRB Source menu item
The Add FRB Source tab appears, showing a text box for FlatRedBAll and Gum root folders. If your current project is also a Git project which is cloned to the same folder as FlatRedBall and Gum, then the FRB Editor attempts to fill in the file paths.
If your paths are blank or incorrect, use the ... button to select the file paths for each repository.
If you are planning to use Gum Skia, check the option
Click Link to Source
After your project is linked, the Add FRB Source tab will disappear
Your game project should not directly reference the FlatRedBall Source.
The FlatRedBall Editor attempts to link FlatRedBall source regardless of the location of your projects relative to source. We strongly recommend keeping your project in the same directory (such as C drive) as FlatRedBall source. Otherwise, projects will be linked using absolute paths which makes your project far less portable. By using absolute paths others who clone your project must have the same exact folder structure as you do or the project will not build and run.
Furthermore, Github for Desktop always clones projects to the same directory: C:\YouserUerName\Owner\Documents\GitHub\YourProjectName
We recommend keeping these defaults for all repositories - your game and FlatRedBall. By using default locations others can clone the engine and game without needing ot make modifications to their defaults.
If you would like to use the engine source in your game project:
Open your game project in Visual Studio
Expand the game project in the solution explorer
Expand the References item
Find the FlatRedBall entries. This is the reference to the prebuilt-dll. Note that these may be direct references or NuGet packages depending on which version of FlatRedBall you are using, so be sure to check under both Assemblies and Packages. Press the Delete key on all references as mentioned below:
FlatRedBall DesktopGL:
FlatRedBall FNA:
Right-click on the solution
Select Add -> Existing Project...
Navigate to the location of the FlatRedBall .csproj file for your given platform. For example, for PC, add <FlatRedBall Root>\Engines\FlatRedBallXNA\FlatRedBall\FlatRedBallDesktopGL.csproj
Click Open to add the project to your game's solution
Right-click on your game's References item and select Add Reference...
Click the "Projects" category
Check the FlatRedBallDesktopGL project (or whichever FlatRedBall project used for the given platform)
Repeat the process for the other libraries
Click OK
Build and run your project
Verify that you have .NET 6 SDK installed
To build the FlatRedBall Editor (also referred to as Glue):
Download the FlatRedBall repository (either clone it or download the .zip file from Github) following the steps above
Download the Gum repository following the steps above. Make sure to download it to the same folder where you downloaded the FlatRedBall repository, and name the folder Gum. See below for an example. If you do not do this, you will have reference errors when opening the solution.
Open the file <FlatRedBall Root>\FRBDK\Glue\Glue with All.sln.
To rebuild Glue with all plugins, select Build -> Build Solution in Visual Studio. You must Build or Rebuild the first time you run FlatRedBall. If you make further changes to any plugins, you must either build the entire solution, or build the project that contains the plugin. Simply building the Glue project, or pressing F5 to build and run Glue, will not build all plugins.\
Set Glue as the Startup Project
Building the solution creates an .exe from which the FRB editor can be run. You can find this .exe at <your git repo location>\FlatRedBall\FRBDK\Glue\Glue\bin\Debug\GlueFormsCore.exe. Alternatively, you can start up the FRB editor from Visual Studio. Doing so in Debug Mode allows you to see error messages in case the FRB editor throws an exception.
It's important that Gum and FlatRedBall are checked out to the same folder. For example, you may have:
The Glue project references Gum projects, so the two project folders must be in the same root folder. To verify:
Open Glue with All.sln
Open the Solution Explorer
Expand the GumProjects folder
If the references are correct, your window should look similar to the following image:
If your references are broken, then you may see something similar to the following image:
Notice that the projects are marked as unloaded. To solve this make sure that both of the projects (FlatRedBall and Gum) are in the same root folder. If you unzipped the files, then they may need to be moved up one folder.
When opening the project, you may get a message which states:
For information on how to solve this problem, see the following link:
Click the Clone button
For Rider users, you will need to set Glue as the project to run in the Configuration dialog. \
By default FlatRedBall projects link pre-built binary files including prebuilt FNA libraries. You may want to link your FlatRedBall project to FNA source for improved debuggability or to contribute back to FNA.
This document includes the required steps for linking your game to FNA.
Before you link your game to FNA, you must first link your game to FRB source. If you do not do this, then the FlatRedBall.FNA nuget package will include FNA which results in the FNA libraries being included twice.
Follow the steps outlined here to link your game to source: Linking your Game to FlatRedBall Source.
Once you have finished these steps, your solution should include your game project and all FlatRedBall source projects.
FNA is a submodule of the FlatRedBall repository so be sure you clone FlatRedBall recursively to get FNA.
By default FlatRedBall templates include FNA binaries which are marked as copy if newer. These can be found in your game's csproj at the root level:
These are marked as copy if newer:
If you would like to update these to the latest version, you can:
Download the latest daily files from
Unzip the folder for x64
Copy the files into your game project
The latest .dll files will now be copied to your bin folder whenever the game is built.