

Layers provide the ability to sort renderable objects, to independently control zoom, and to keep objects drawn in screen space even if the Camera's X or Y has changed.

Creating a Layer

The following code shows how to create a Layer:

var layer = SystemManagers.Default.Renderer.AddLayer();

This code creates a new Layer which draws on top of unlayered objects, and on top of all previously-added layers.

Adding a Renderable to a Layer

To add a renderable (such as a GraphicalUiElement) to a layer, the AddToManagers method takes a second parameter for the layer. The following code shows how to add a newly-created GraphicalUiElement to a Layer:

// This code assumes MyRenderable is a valid renderable, such as a GraphicalUiElement
// and MyLayer is a valid Layer:
MyRenderable.AddToManagers(SystemManagers.Default, layer);

All children within a layered renderable also draw on the same layer.


LayerCameraSettings can be used to override default behavior. If no LayerCameraSettings instance is created, then a Layer's zoom and screen-space behavior matches all unlayered objects.

The following code creates LayerCameraSettings which keep all objects on the layer in screen space regardless of the Camera's position:

var layerCameraSettings = new LayerCameraSettings();
layerCameraSettings.IsInScreenSpace = true;
layer.LayerCameraSettings = layerCameraSettings;

LayerCameraSettings can be used to offset all renderables on a layer independently. For example, the following LayerCameraSettings results in every object offset by 100 pixels to the right:

var layerCameraSettings = new LayerCameraSettings();
layerCameraSettings.Position = new Vector2(100,0);
layer.LayerCameraSettings = layerCameraSettings;

The example above results in 100 pixel offsets added to the camera's position. If a layer has its IsInSceenSpace property set to true, then the offset is absolute and ignores the camera's position. For example, the following code offsets all objects by 50 pixels on the Y axis (down) relative to screen space (ignoring Camera position);

var layerCameraSettings = new LayerCameraSettings();
layerCameraSettings.IsInScreenSpace = true;
layerCameraSettings.Position = new Vector2(0, 50);
layer.LayerCameraSettings = layerCameraSettings;

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