

The Font variable sets the font family used by the text.

This dropdown appears only if Use Custom Font is set to false.

The Font dropdown has access to any font which is installed locally.

To use a font in Gum, download the font and install it by double-clicking or right-clicking on the font.

Font Generation and Font Cache

Gum performs rendering using rasterized fonts. In other words, it renders using pre-made .png files which contain all of the characters in a font.

You can view the Font Cache in your project by selecting Content -> View Font Cache.

This folder contains all font files used by your project.

Note that each font has three files:

  • bmfc - Bitmap Font Generator configuration file. This can be opened in Bitmap Font Generator to see the settings that have been used to export the other files

  • fnt - Bitmap Font Generator font file. This is a text file indicating the location of each character in the matching png files. It also includes kerning pairs.

  • png - This is the image file containing the letters for the font. The font may contain multiple image files if the character set or font size are large enough.

Each PNG can be opened in an image editor to view the packed characters. For example, the following shows the Arial 24 font. The blue background has been added manually to make the white characters visible:

Font Cache Generation

Fonts are generated as needed by Gum. This happens whenever a property changes on a Text object requiring a new font. Gum only re-generates fonts if a matching font doesn't already exist. The following animation shows new fonts being generated as a Text's Font Size is changed.

Fonts are generated in response to any of the following properties changing:

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