Texture Address
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The texture address property controls the texture address behavior of a sprite. Specifically it can control whether texture addresses variables are available, and how texture coordinates and sprite size are related.
If the texture address property is set to EntireTexture then the sprite draws its full image. The sprite does not repeat or render only part of the texture. This renders the entire image.
If the texture address property is set to Custom then the top, bottom, left, and right properties can be independently set. This allows a sprite to only render a portion of its source texture.
Typically a Texture Address of Custom is used in combination with a Width Units of Percent of File Width and a Height Units of Percent of File Height. In this case, the size of the sprite depends on the texture coordinates.
When using Custom Texture Address, wrapping is possible. For more information see the Wrap page.
If the Texture Address property is set to DimensionsBased then the texture coordinates adjusts internally according to the width and the height of the Sprite. In other words, making the sprite larger or smaller does not stretch the image that it is rendering. Instead the image is be clipped, or clamped/wrapped according to the Wrap property.
When the Texture Address is set to DimensionsBased, then the Texture Width and Texture Height values are replaced by Texture Width Scale and Texture Height Scale. In this mode, the Texture Width and Texture Height values are calculated by multiplying the absolute size of the Sprite by its respective scale values.
When using DimensionsBased Texture Address, wrapping is possible. For more information see the Wrap page.
If a Sprite uses a Width Units of Percentage of File Width or a Height Units of Percentage of File Height, then the Width and Height values represent the size of the sprite relative to the entire source file.
For example, if a Sprite is displaying a source PNG file with a width of 130 pixels and its Width is 300, then the absolute width of the Sprite is 390 (130 * 300%). If Wrap is checked, then this indicates the number of times that the image repeats on the Sprite.
The Texture Width Scale and Texture Height Scale values determine the size of the texture on the Sprite when using DimensionsBased Texture Address. By default this value is 1, which means that the source image displays at its native size.
Increasing this value results in the image displaying larger. For example setting a value of 2 results in the displayed image being twice as large. Scale values for width and height can be set independently.
Since a larger value results in the image appearing larger, this means that mathematically a larger scale value results in smaller Texture Width and Texture Height value.