3 - Playing Animations inside other Animations
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Gum supports creating animations which can play other animations. This is especially useful when creating animations in Screens that contain components which themselves have animations. This tutorial will build upon the previous tutorial where we created an animated component called TextComponent.
First we'll create a Screen called AnimatedScreen. To do this:
Right-click on Screens
Select "Add Screen"
Enter the name "AnimatedScreen" and click the OK button
Drag+drop a few TextComponents into the Screen and spread them out visually
The animation we will be creating in our Screen will start with all TextComponents being invisible, then each one appearing by playing their Show animation. The animations will be slightly staggered. First we'll add the initial state where all of the TextComponents are invisible. To do this:
Verify that the AnimatedScreen is selected
Right-click in the states area and select "Add Category" name it "ScreenCategory"
Right-click the category and select "Add State"
Name the state "AllInvisible" and click OK
Click to select the "AllInvisible" state.
Select one of the TextComponents
Set its HideShow State to Hidden
Repeat setting the State to Hidden for the other TextComponents
Now we have all of the states and animations that we'll use as keyframes in our animation. To create the animation:
Select AnimatedScreen
Select "View" -> "View Animations"
Click "Add Animation"
Name the animation "ShowAll"
Select the ShowAll animation
Click "Add State"
Select "ScreenCategory/AllInvisible" and click OK
The animation now sets all TextComponents to their Hidden state initially.
Next we'll be adding animations to animate the TextComponent instances to visible. To do this:
Bring up the animation window for AnimatedScreen if it is not already showing
Select "ShowAll"
Click "Add Sub-animation"
Select the first TextComponentInstance
Select the Show animation and click OK
Select the newly-created animation and set its Time to 0.5
Repeat the above steps to add animations for the other two TextComponents, but set their times to 1.0 and 1.5
Now the animation can be played or previewed with the slider bar: