

Dominant Windows are IWindows which have higher priority over regular IWindows. If the GuiManager contains any dominant IWindows then any non-dominant IWindows will not receive any input from the Cursor. Dominant IWindows are a good way to prevent the user from interacting with regular (non-dominant) IWindows when UI such as a pause screen or exit confirmation screen is visible. Multiple IWindows can be marked as dominant windows using AddDominantWindow. AddDominantWindow can be called on a regular IWindow to convert it to a dominant window. Dominant windows can be converted back to non-dominant windows using the MakeRegularWindow method.

Example - AddDominantWindow, FlatRedBall Forms, and Gum

This example shows how to use AddDominantWindow to change whether a popup is the dominant window in response to UI events. This example uses a Gum screen with two objects - UserControlInstance and PopupInstance as shown in the following treeview:

Visually, the layout is shown in the following image:

The hiding and showing of the popup is controlled as shown in the following code:

void CustomInitialize()
    GumScreen.PopupInstance.Visible = false;

    Forms.ClosePopupButton.Click += (not, used) =>
        GumScreen.PopupInstance.Visible = false;

    Forms.ShowPopupButton.Click += (not, used) =>
        GumScreen.PopupInstance.Visible = true;

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