Inheriting from FlatRedBall Types
This tutorial will walk you through how to create entities which inherit from FlatRedBall types. More accurately, the process of having Entities inherit from FlatRedBall types is very simple - all you have to do is change the BaseType to the desired type. However, this tutorial will discuss how to work with entities that inherit from FlatRedBall types, and why taking advantage of this feature can be helpful.
First we'll create a simple project with a single Entity that includes a Sprite, and a Screen which includes a large list of instances of this entity.
Entity Setup
To create the Entity:
Right-click on Entities
Select "Add Entity"
Name the Entity "SpriteEntity"
Right-click on the newly-created Entity's Objects
Select "Add object"
Select "Sprite" as the type
Click OK
Now that we have an Entity, let's set the Sprite to use a Texture:
Go to the location where you saved the file
Drag+drop the PNG from the location where you saved it into the SpriteEntity's "Files"
Select the SpriteInstance object
Set its Texture to "Bear"
Screen Setup
Now that we have an Entity, let's create Screen:
Right-click on Screens
Select "Add Screen"
Name your Screen "MainScreen"
Click OK
Next let's create a List of SpriteEntites:
Right-click on Objects
Select "Add Object"
Select "PositionedObjectList<T>" as the type
Select "Entities\SpriteEntity" as the List Type
Name the list "SpriteEntityList"
Click OK
Finally let's populate the List in code:
In Glue select the "Project"->"View in Visual Studio" menu option
Open MainScreen.cs
Add the following in CustomInitialize:
Measuring resource usage
If you're running this project on a modern computer then it's likely that you may not be noticing any performance problems. However, despite running without problems on the PC, this same project may have significant performance and memory consumption issues on less powerful devices, such as the iPhone. One solution to this problem would be to make the Entities be manually updated; however that may not be so easy in this particular case. The reason is because our Entities are all spinning and require every-frame logic to have their rotation applied. However, making the Entities inherit from sprite can actually improve performance and memory usage. To understand why this is the case, let's first investigate how many manually updated objects are in the FlatRedBall engine. To do this:
Open your MainScreen.cs in Visual Studio
Add the following code to CustomActivity:
Using Inheritance to reduce automatically-updated object count
Now that we have this set up, let's change our SpriteEntity to inherit from a Sprite. To do this:
Select SpriteEntity in Glue
Change "BaseEntity" to Sprite
Now we can simply have the SpriteInstance inside of SpriteEntity be a reference to the SpriteEntity itself. To do this:
Select SpriteInstance
Set "IsContainer" to true
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