Enemy Entity
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This tutorial covers how to add an Enemy to your project. To speed up the process we'll be importing an existing entity rather than building a new one ourselves. Once imported, we will modify the entity so it has the functionality we'll need for this tutorial - specifically adding the ability for the enemy to take damage.
To import the entity
Download the exported entity file from here: https://github.com/vchelaru/FlatRedBall/raw/NetStandard/Samples/Platformer/DealingDamage/Enemy.entz
In Glue, right-click on the Entities folder
Select Import Entity
Navigate to the location where you saved the Enemy file earlier and click OK
We now have a fully-functional enemy which has:
Collision shape named AxisAlignedRectangle
Sprite displaying a walking animation
Platformer values so that it can collide with solid collision
EnemyInput object which will keep the enemy from moving (does not use the gamepad or keyboard)
We will add a list to our GameScreen and an instance of our Enemy to Level1 so we can see the enemy in game. To add an enemy list to GameScreen:
Select the Enemy entity
Select the Quick Actions tab
Click the Add Enemy List to GameScreen button - this creates a list of enemies which we'll use to create collision relationships later
Click the Add Enemy Factory button - this allows us to create enemies in code and Tiled maps.
To add an enemy to your Level1:
Drag+drop the Enemy entity onto Level1\
Select Enemy1 and click on the Variables tab
Set X to 160
Set Y to -160
Now we have an enemy in the game, but it falls through the level. We can fix this by telling the enemies to collide against our GameScreen's SolidCollision object:
Expand GameScreen
Expand the Objects folder
Drag+drop the EnemyList onto the SolidCollision object
If we run the game now, the enemy will fall and land in the level next to the player.