New Project Setup


We’ll begin this tutorial with an empty project. Mine will be called EnemyMovement.

Glue Wizard

The Glue Wizard can help us get a quick project set up. We will leave most of the options to their default, but we will change the following:

Player Entity

  • Change What kind of control will the player have? to Platformer

  • Uncheck Add Sprite to Player Entity unless you intend to add graphics to your Player entity. This tutorial will not cover how to add graphics to the Player entity.

Note that we will not be explicitly working with the Player entity in this game, but we still create one since most games need one eventually.


  • Change Number of levels to create to 1. We will only have one level in this game


Now our project is ready to go as a fully functional platformer. We can begin adding the Enemy entity in the next tutorial.

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