The SecondsSince method can be used to detect how many seconds have passed since a given time. This method is often used in combination with the CurrentTime property.
Note that SecondsSince assumes that the value passed is in game time (using TimeManager.CurrentTime
) and not screen time ( TimeManager.CurrentScreenTime
). This method is rarely. It is only needed if the amount of in-game time that has passed is greater than some value which may span mulitple screens.
Example - Using SecondsSince for Ability Cooldown
Note that this operation assumes that ability cooldown should persist between screens. If your game has abilities which cool down, but which reset when a screen changes (such as the player re-starting a level), then CurrentScreenSecondsSince should be used. However, if you would like cooldown to persist between multiple screens, you can use SecondsSince as shown in the following code:
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