

Sprites are used to render a texture to the screen. Sprites are one of the most common types of FlatRedBall objects. Examples of Sprites include:

  • Character graphics (static or animated)

  • Backgrounds

  • Particles

  • Bullets

Sprites are often contained in Entities or created in code as particles.

Creating an Entity With a Sprite

If you know that your entity needs a Sprite, you can check the Sprite option in the Add Entity Window.

  1. Right-click on the Entities folder

  2. Select Add Entity

  3. Check the Sprite option

  4. Click OK

Adding a Sprite

Sprites can be added to FlatRedBall screens or entities, although most games don't include Sprites directly in screens. To add a Sprite to an entity:

  1. Create or select an existing entity or screen

  2. Right-click on the Objects node

  3. Select Add Object

  4. Select the FlatRedBall or Custom Type category

  5. Select the Sprite type

  6. Click OK

Sprite Texture

Sprites usually display textures, which are created from image files such as .png files. To add and display a texture on a Sprite:

  1. Create a Sprite in a screen or entity as shown above

  2. Find a .png which you would like to use

  3. Drag+drop the .png file onto your screen or entity's Files folder in FlatRedBall

  4. Select the Sprite in the same screen or entity with the newly-added file

  5. Change its Texture property to the newly-added file

For more information about working with textures, see the Texture2D page.

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