

PIX is a program for debugging the graphical side of DirectX applications on the desktop. Since it works with desktop executables, it cannot be used to directly debug the graphics of non-desktop platforms such as iOS or Android. Despite this limitation PIX can be used on synced FlatRedBall projects to identify performance and memory problems common to all platforms.

Running PIX

PIX can be found in the start menu. To debug an existing FlatRedBall app:

  1. Select File->New Experiment

  2. Use the "..." button to select the "Program path"

  3. Click the "Start Experiment" button

More information

PIX can be found in the DirectX SDK: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812 A walkthrough of PIX can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/manders/archive/2006/12/15/a-painless-introduction-to-pix-for-windows.aspx

Last updated