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Team City has an automated build which runs whenever anything is pushed (assuming Vic's desktop is turned on). This attempts to build Gum (the tool) and the .NET 6 libraries use for MonoGameGum. If the builds succeeds it also attempts to upload a new nuget package.
The automated build will not upload a new NuGet if the version number is not manually increased first. Also note, this DOES NOT currently upload a new Gum tool - this must be done manually (see steps below).
To upload a new NuGet packages, follow these steps:
Open MonoGameGum.sln in Visual Studio - this links MonoGame/Kni Gum and the projects it depends on. It is at <GumRoot>\MonoGameGum.sln
Double-click GumCommon and change its Version to the {year}.{month}.{day}.{build}, where build is 1 if it's the first build of the day.
Repeat this for GumDataTypesNet6, MonoGameGum, ToolsUtilitiesStandard, and KniGum. Be sure to use the same version for all.
Save the files and push the commit
If Vic's computer is on, it will automatically build. If not, Vic must open it and manually run a build.
Vic has noticed that sometimes the build will fail due to the referenced ColorPicker not being available. If the same .sln (in the build folder indicated in TeamCity logs) is opened and built in VS 2019, the manual build works. Then if TeamCity is run again, all works. This is a hacky workaround.
Currently Gum uses XNA and .NET 4.7.1. This will not build using dotnet build (not sure why). Therefore, Gum must be built and uploaded manually. We could eventually automate this through TeamCity until Gum (maybe?) gets updated to modern .NET. Until then the steps are:
Open Gum locally in Visual Studio
Open Gum AssemblyInfo.cs and set AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion using the date-based format. Notice that there's only 3 numbers unlike the versions for nuget packages.
Rebuild the entire solution (not just the Gum project)
Navigate to the location where Gum is built
Go up one folder so that you are in the Debug folder, and you see the Data folder
Right-click on Data and Zip it. This will produce a .zip that has a Data folder inside - this matches the expected folder structure from previous builds so make sure this is the case
Rename this
Manually upload this to FlatRedBall's Files folder using sftp to /home/frbfiles/
Create a new release on Github - see the previous releases for examples
Announce on FRB discord
Announce on MonoGame discord
Announce on MGE discord
Announce on twitter
This file is used when creating FlatRedBall builds, so Gum must first be built and uploaded to the FlatRedBall FTP prior to running the FlatRedBall Github Actions. Otherwise, an old Gum will be included in FRBDK. This may be okay depending on if Gum has important new features.