The TopTextureCoordinate, BottomTextureCoodinate, LeftTextureCoordinate, and RightTextureCoordinate properties control the coordinates in "uv space" of the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the Sprite. In other words, these values can be used to make a Sprite draw part of a texture instead of the entire thing. These properties are often used when working on games that use sprite sheets. The default values are as follows:
TopTextureCoordinate = 0
BottomTextureCoordinate = 1
LeftTextureCoordinate = 0
RightTextureCoordinate = 1
What are "texture coordinates" and how do they compare to pixels
Texture coordinates are often used in games (not just FlatRedBall) to measure points on a texture. Texture coordinates are often displayed as two values separated by commas within parenthesis. For example:
The texture coordinate is a coordinate which measures location on a texture, but this coordinate does not use pixels. For example, if you're used to using pixels, you may be familiar with (0,0) being the top-left of an image. If your image is 32 pixels tall and 32 pixels wide, then the bottom-right of the image would be (32, 32). In texture coordinates, the top left is (0, 0). The bottom-right is (1, 1). You can think of texture coordinates as representing a percentage. In other words, a value of 0 means 0%. 1 means 100%. A value of 0.5 means 50%. Therefore, a value of (.5, 0) means "50% of the width (starting at the left) and 0% of the height (starting at the top). Therefore, the very center of the image is (.5, .5).
Code example
Texture coordinates can be adjusted to create objects which show only part of a texture, such as health bars. The following code shows how to create a Diablo-like health meter (of course, using a red ball): Files used:
Add the following at class scope:
Add the following to Initialize after initializing FlatRedBall:
Add the following to Update:
Add UpdateFill at class scope:
For Glue users
If you are modifying the code above to be used in an Entity, and if the Sprite you are modifying is part of the given Entity, then it is likely that the Sprite is attached to the Entity. Therefore, you will need to replace any code that gets or sets the mFillSprite's Y value with RelativeY. In the code this is done in two parts - in Initialize where mBaseY is set, and the last line in UpdateFill where the Sprite's Y is set.
Additional Information
Clipping Sprites - A tutorial on how to clip Sprites within a rectangle.
TextureAddressMode - The visual behavior of Sprites depends on the TextureAddressMode. See this page for information on how to use texture coordinates.
Last updated