

This tutorial begins with the creation of a new project in FlatRedBall. We'll make a new Desktop GL .NET 6 project.

Creating a new project

To create a new project:

  1. Select File -> New Project or click the New Project button in the Quick Actions tab if you do not have a project open already

  2. Enter the name RockBlaster (no spaces) as your project name

  3. Uncheck the Open New Project Wizard option - we will run the game first before running the wizard to make sure everything is set up correctly

  4. Click Create Project!

Your project should now be open in the FlatRedBall Editor:

Press the play button to launch the (empty) game.

Run Wizard

Next we'll run the New Project Wizard which will jumpstart the development process by adding common Screens, Entities, and other files to our project. To run the Wizard, click the Run Wizard button in the Quick Actions tab.

Check the Custom (Advanced) option.

Select Start Wizard from Scratch.

We will change a few of the default options. Follow along with these images and make your options match.

Our game will not use Tiled Map files. CloudCollision is only used for platformer games.

Our player will not use default control types like Top-down or Platformer. We will be implementing our own custom controls, so select the None (controls will be added later) option. Our player will rotate, so Circle collision is preferred to Rectangle collision. Also, our player is not a platformer character, so uncheck Add Player vs. cloud collision.

Change Number of levels to create to 1. Uncheck the other options since our game does not have any Tiled Map files.

Leave UI options unchanged. We will use Gum to display game HUD.

Set the Game Resolution to 800x600 and the Game Scale% to 100. Uncheck all other Camera options. Our game will not have a Camera which moves.

Skip the option to Download/Import screens by clicking Next.

Skip the option to add additional objects by clicking Next.

Click Done. Wait a moment and your project will be all set up.

If we run our game now we will see our player which is a white circle.


That was easy! You now have a project that we will use in the following tutorials. Next we will set up the skeleton (the general structure) of our game.

Last updated