

CustomInitialize is called once per entity instance when it is initialized. Initialization happens in any of the following situations:

  • When an instance is created either in code by using the "new" operator, or if an instance is added through the FRB Editor. See below for more information.

  • When an instance is created through tiles in a Tiled map (tmx)

  • When an Entity is recycled through a factory

Common CustomInitialize Usage

By default CustomInitialize is an empty function.

private void CustomInitialize()


Any code can be added to CustomInitialize to prepare an entity for use. Simple entities may not require any code in CustomInitialize, but code can be added for the following:

  • Preparing animations (using AnimationController )

  • Dynamically creating FRB objects such as populating a List of Sprites

  • Adding conditional debug code such as turning on the visibility of collision shapes

CustomInitialize Should Not Depend on External Context

CustomInitialize should not include any code that depends on the current screen. For example, if an Enemy entity needs to initialize its logic according to the current PlayerList in GameScreen, CustomInitialize should not access GameScreen. Instead, initialization which requires external context (such as a list in a Screen) should do so in a function which is called by the Screen. This keeps your entity portable, and reduces the chances of errors occurring due to improper casting or unexpected access of lists before they are available.

Using the example of initializing enemy logic, an Enemy entity may have the following code for initialization:

private void CustomInitialize()
  // do any initialization here which does not depend on the GameScreen or any
  // other external context

public void InitializeAi(PositionedObjectList<Player> players)
  // do initialization here if it depends on external context

In this case, InitializeAi would be called by the GameScreen, as shown in the following example code:

// assuming that newEnemyPosition is a valid Vector3:
var enemy = Factories.EnemyFactory.CreateNew(newEnemyPosition);
// `this` refers to the GameScreen, so pass the GameScreen's PlayerList:

CustomInitialize and AddToManagers

The CustomInitialize method will only be called when an Entity instance is added to managers.

The most common method of creating entities is to use a factory. For example, creating an Enemy entity with the EnemyFactory will result in the newly-created instance being added to managers and having CustomInitialize called:

//This entity will have its CustomInitialize called:
var enemy = Factories.EnemyFactory.CreateNew();

The additon of managers can be controlled by calling an Entity's constructor. Of course, doing so may result in the entity being created but not being added to the proper lists. If you are manually creating entities, make sure that you add them to the appropriate lists (such as the GameScreen lists).

// This assumes that the game has an Entity called Enemy:

// enemy1 will have CustomInitialize called
var enemy1 = new Enemy();

bool addToManagers = false;
// enemy2 will not have CustomInitialize called since it is
// not being added to managers:
var enemy2 = new Enemy(ContentManagerName, addToManagers);

// enemy3 will not have CustomInitialize called since it is
// not being added to managers (yet):
var enemy3 = new Enemy(ContentManagerName, addToManagers);
// ...but now enemy3 will have CustomInitialize called

CustomInitialize and Inheritance

Entities and Screens which have base types (inheritance) have two or more CustomInitialize functions depending on the inheritance depth. For example, if an entity Skeleton inherits from Enemy, each class (Skeleton and Enemy) has its own CustomInitialize method. Both are called by generated code - an explicit base.CustomInitialize(); call is not needed. CustomInitialize is called on the base class first, then to more-derived. Using the example above, Enemy.CustomInitialize is called first, then Skeleton.CustomInitialize.

// Assuming that Skeleton derives from Enemy, then 
// CustomInitialize in both Enemy and Skeleton.cs get called:
var skeleton = Factories.SkeletonFactory.CreateNew();

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