

The IScalable interface provides an interface for 2D objects which can be resized. IScalable objects have two properties which control size:

  • ScaleX

  • ScaleY

Note: By default, scale has nothing to do with the Texture that an object is displaying. Two objects showing different Textures of different dimensions will be the same size if they have the same scale values.

What is Scale?

ScaleX = Width / 2;
ScaleY = Height / 2;


Width = ScaleX * 2;
Height = ScaleY * 2;

Scale Example

The following code creates 3 Sprites with different scales.

 Sprite regularSizedSprite = SpriteManager.AddSprite("redball.bmp");
 regularSizedSprite.Y = 4;

 Sprite scaledOnXSprite = SpriteManager.AddSprite("redball.bmp");
 scaledOnXSprite.ScaleX = 3;

 Sprite scaledOnXAndYSprite = SpriteManager.AddSprite("redball.bmp");
 scaledOnXAndYSprite.Y = -7;
 scaledOnXAndYSprite.ScaleX = 3;
 scaledOnXAndYSprite.ScaleY = 3;

Scale is independent of Texture

The ScaleX and ScaleY values on objects such as Sprites is (by default) independent of the Sprite's Texture property. Therefore, if two Sprites both have the same ScaleX and ScaleY values, they will appear as the same size on screen regardless of the size of the Textures that they are displaying.


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